
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Future Plans

The success of the first phase of the data warehouse has paved the way for future expansion.

In the second phase, sales from the corporate Web site and small business channels will be included in the data warehouse.

The second phase moves CompUSA another step closer to its plan to bring together data from all areas of the business to get to a single view of the customer.

By deploying analytical capabilities to the advertising and marketing teams, integrating the results of click-stream analysis from the corporate Web site, and implementing a customer loyalty program, CompUSA hopes to better understand who its customers are.

With this type of information, the behavior of customers can be understood, and the company can take steps to enhance customer service opportunities.


In a six-month period, CompUSA was able to take mountains of data that was inaccessible at a practical level and transform it into information that executives and managers could use on a daily basis. Actions can now be taken not only to reverse the effect of downward trends but also to reinforce practices that lead to increased sales and improved margins. As CompUSA continues to expand the capabilities of the Business Analytics Data Warehouse, the net result will be a stronger bottom line for the company and a superior experience for its customers.

The Solution

The Solution

* Two key performance indicators- sales performance and profit contribution by product – were selected as the first phase.

* Within a short period, the requirements analysis was complete, and a prototype was ready for review by regional and store managers.

* All the information will be collected and stored at one centralized database from number of stores.

* Step by step, additional regions were added to the data warehouse, resulting I the successful consolidation of sales data for the entire company.

* The process to gather data and consolidate data is now performed on a daily basis in the hours during which an individual store is closed.

* The data is captured from the point-of –sale devices in the store early each morning and stored in a proprietary transaction log format that is collected at corporate headquarters.

Solution Benefits

* Access to information has enabled management to take specific steps to improve the day-to-day operations of the business through performance improvements, data quantity improvements, loss prevention and productivity gains.

--> Improved Sales Performance

--> Improved Data Quality

--> Fraud and Loss Prevention

--> Improved Productivity

--> Project Challenges

--> Data Volumes

--> Data Integration

--> Lessons Learned

Future Plans......

Bi Case Study

Company Background:-

* CompUSA Inc. has undergone several name and operational transformations since it launched its business in 1984 as Soft Warehouse in Dallas, Texas.

* The Mexican retail company Grupo Sanborns then acquired CompUSA in March 2000.

* They are the largest computer retailer in North America, with 225 computer superstores in 84 metropolitan market and a virtual computer superstore on its corporate Web site for online shoppers around the world.

* As with classic retail businesses, CompUSA measures its performance by monitoring sales, margins and profitability.

* The company differentiates itself from its competitors, by focusing exclusively on selling technology products and services.

Business Requirements

* Reports provided limited information, such as sales, margin, and quantity of sell-through, for each product sold on the previous day for each store.

* The legacy system could not provide details about the daily activities that affect a store’s performance, such as discretionary discounting at each store, missed opportunities to sell extended warranties, or a cashier’s failure to capture complete warranty information. Managers needed access to this type of information so that they could implement corrective measures and monitor the results.

* A traditional point-of-sale system is oriented around discrete product sales, so it cannot capture the type of sales information applicable to training services. As a result, separate systems were built or purchased for training and each of the other service businesses, which in some cases varied from store to store.

* CompUSA needed to centrally manage these information systems and to bring the data from these systems together to get one view of a customer.

* At each level, the scope of information visible to the business user would change according to the user’s role in the organization.

The Solution....

Business Analysis

Stage 3: Analysis

* Carefully read all the information you have gathered.
* Eliminate the useless and unreliable data and concentrate only on the useful, reliable data.
* Read between the lines; pay special attention to what is not included in the data and its implications.
* Look for patterns and variables in the information.
* Organize the information according to the patterns or variables you have identified.
* Develop a number of possible scenarios.
* Develop both long-term and short-term responses to each of the possible scenarios.

Section 4: Action

Once you have acted, it's a good idea to evaluate the results of your actions and determine what new intelligence needs have developed. You will then find yourself ready to begin the business intelligence cycle once again.

Bi Case Study.....

Identifying Intelligence Needs

Stage 1: Identifying Intelligence Needs

Q-1. What decisions need to be made?
Q-2. Why do the decisions need to be made?
Q-3. When do the decisions need to be made?
Q-4. Who will be using the intelligence to make the decisions?
Q-5. Is the intelligence nice to know or need to know?

Stage 2: Information Gathering

1. Planning the Search
2. When planning, consider the following:
3. Ongoing Monitoring
4. Project Related
5. What questions do you want answered?
6. What type of information is required?
7. How much information is required?
8. Which sources will you search?
9. How to Interview.
10. Determine you intelligence needs.
11. Plan your search.
12. Set a deadline.
13. Read the information as you gather it or at least at periodic intervals.
14. Remember that you will never find the perfect piece of information.
15. Remember that you will not find all the information you want.
16. Spend twice as much time analyzing as gathering.

Stage 3: Analysis.....

What is Business Intelligence?

What is Business Intelligence?

* Business Intelligence is the ongoing process of monitoring the competitive environment in order to identify opportunities to act on or threats to be avoided.

* It is intelligence, not information, that enables an corporation, business or entrepreneur to respond quickly in order to succeed or overcome a market barrier.

Applications of Business Intelligence

[1] Acquisition
[2] Business Plan Development
[3] Contract Bidding
[4] Exporting
[5] Joint Venture
[6] Legislation Monitoring
[7] Product Development

The Business Intelligence Cycle

Stage 1: Identifying Intelligence Need......
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